
Residential Life has a Funding and Advisory Board, made up of UCLA Residential Life Resident Government Council Presidents and Treasurers who oversee the management of Residential Life’s event funds (a supplemental source).

Please reach out to with any questions.

Who may apply for funding?

These supplemental event funds are available to UCLA Residential Life professional staff, Faculty-in-Residence, and registered UCLA student organizations.

What events may be funded?

All Hill events and registered UCLA student organization events that are open to all Hill residents are eligible. We do not fund community building-wide programs and floor/house events.

Where to apply for funding?

Submit a Funding Request

Do I have to meet with my Advisor before submitting a funding request?

Yes. The Funding and Advisory Board requires that you have discussed your event plans, including supplies and equipment needed, with your SOLE, CPO, or FSL Advisor prior to submitting your application. Your Advisor will be included in all email communications about your request and any resulting actions (funding approval or denial, etc.).

What is the deadline for submitting my Funding request?

The Funding and Advisory Board meets weekly on Tuesday evenings. Your funding request must be submitted by the previous Wednesday by 12:00 pm in order to be considered at the next Funding and Advisory Board meeting, and also must be submitted *at least 4 weeks prior to the event date.*

If you need something paid prior to the event, all paperwork needs to be submitted *at least 2 weeks prior to the event.*

What information should the representative know prior to presenting to the Funding and Advisory Board?

It is highly encouraged that the original submitter or Signatory present the funding request. The Funding and Advisory Board expects that the representative will have extensive knowledge about the event and will be able to answer any questions related to the funding request. Please check in with your representative to ensure they are prepared.

How are requests evaluated?

The Funding and Advisory Board supports programming initiatives which will enhance the experiential learning, cultural and educational enrichment of students residing in on-campus housing. Funding requests are approved according to eligibility requirements, request guidelines, and support of UCLA Residential Life’s Core 5 tenets (Support the Academic Mission, Cultivate Safe Environments, Foster Social Responsibility, Develop Leaders, and Encourage Personal Growth). Accessibility to Hill Residents, and use or non-use of other funding sources are also taken strongly into consideration. The Funding and Advisory Board should not be your primary or sole funding source.

Are there items that the Funding and Advisory Board might not fund?

  • Gift Cards: Typically these are not allowed or approved. If you want to provide incentives, chance vouchers, gifts, etc. then you should purchase actual gift items, or, on a case-by-case basis sometimes $ on a BruinCard is acceptable. All of these must relate to the nature of the program theme.
  • BruinCard cash: Money put on BruinCard may not be for services rendered or to pay a student for volunteering or “just because.” The criteria typically is something like for an “On the Spot” recognition award for unique or expert services, etc. Considered on a case by case basis. And, if you are approved to offer $ on BruinCards, then we will need a list of all the recipients and their UID numbers.
  • Honorariums: also known as “Professional Services or Guest Lecturer fees.” These are NOT for UCLA students or staff, but for non-UCLA persons (experts, speakers or performers who are specialists, etc.) who are not requesting a fee for service. These should also be requested well in advance (ex. in enough time to process to give check to recipient at time of program). If offering honorarium(s), then you should fill out an LVO and have your Program Advisor review and email to:

Reimbursement Process Questions

Please email for more details.

Where do I get the Disbursement Form?

How do I fill out the Disbursement Form?

Where do I turn in my Disbursement Form?

How will I know if my reimbursement check is available for pick up?

The “payee contact information” that was written on the disbursement form will be notified via email when their check is ready. Checks are held in Bradley 205 Residential Life Office. Inform the office assistant that you are here to pick up your check from the Funding and Advisory Board.

What about Venmo?

Reimbursements under $100 can be made via Venmo.